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SEND Report - Communicating with Parents

Communicating Concerns with Parent/Carer

If you have any concerns about the attainment, development or progress of your child, please do not hesitate to contact the child’s class teacher or Mr Gray, the school’s SENDCo.

Whilst we have two parents’ evenings across the academic year, we advise you do not wait for these appointments to communicate concerns with the class teacher. Likewise, we as teachers would not wait for these to communicate concerns with you. We therefore would make an appointment with you directly, highlighting our concerns and strategies to help your child have a more rewarding school experience. It is with this open-door policy that we hope to provide our locality with support and advice.

Termly reviews between class teachers, head teacher phase leaders and SENDCo also monitor the progress of individual children. This gives professionals the opportunity to discuss progress and intervention strategies, ensuring children’s learning is kept at a constant and measurable pace. Caedmon Primary School use iTrack, an assessment tool that allows us to measure learners as groups and individuals, highlighting gaps and placing interventions and tailoring whole class teaching effectively. From September 2020 Caedmon will also be monitoring pupils with identified needs using iASEND. This system breaks down the different SEND stems in order to show smaller stages of progress.

Finally, after involvement with outside agencies mentioned previously, parents/carers will have a final consultation with class teacher and involved agency. This will give you the opportunity to discuss strategies going forward, advice for home learning and a promise from the school, informing you how we are going to move forward.