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SEND Report - Transition


At Caedmon Primary School, we recognise how important a successful transition is for all of our pupils, particularly those with additional needs.

Year Group Transition

One of the most challenging points of the year for children can be moving to the next year group. Where a special educational need has been identified, we will ensure to begin transitions early, ensuring the involved child feels part of the process. These include, introductions with new teacher, informal meet and greets with current class teacher, seating arrangements, social stories, walk through of building environments and meetings with parent/carer where appropriate. Teachers also attend transition meetings with phase leaders to discuss children on an individual level, affording us the opportunity to pass on strategies, expectations and information.

Starting at Caedmon Primary School

When a child starts our Early Years Foundation Stage, parents/carers are invited to attend a transition meeting in which aims and provisions are highlighted by the EYFS staff. The transitions are planned and implemented on a personalised level, ensuring each child receives what they need to settle correctly.

Towards the end of the academic year, nursery children are given access to the reception classroom, allowing them to experience life as a reception child. It is at this stage that the wider school is open to them for lunch time, ICT and PE time.

Moving on to Secondary School

The final part of a child’s transition involving our primary school is moving on to the next part of their education. For our Year 6 children, we work in partnership our feeder schools to provide an appropriate transition plan. This may take the form of additional visits for some children, one-to-one or small group working with secondary school staff or pupil mentoring from secondary schools. If it is appropriate, our secondary colleagues may be invited to attend review meetings to meet the current class teacher, parents and most importantly – the pupil.

Finally and if deemed appropriate, the SENDCo is available to view schools with parents/carers whom have a child with SEN. This will give the parent/carer the peace of mind and ask questions that otherwise would not come up. This helps parents/carers and pupil to make the right decision when moving onto the next stage of education.