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Welcome to Reception 

Welcome to the Reception Class page!

I am Mrs Deavin and I am the Reception Class teacher this year. Miss Reay will be supporting in class every day and Mr Rodger will be teaching the class on Fridays when I am out of class for planning time. We are all very excited to work with the children in Reception and share their experiences in these early days of their time in school.

The planning and learning in Reception is based around the Early Years curriculum which helps children to develop their social, emotional and communication and physical skills alongside their understanding of Maths, English, creativity and the world around them. 

During the day, the children will take part in a range of activities which are carefully planned around their individual development, needs and next steps in learning. This is extremely important in giving your child the skills they need to become an independent learner. We will carry out daily English and Maths activities as well as completing PE once a week (PE is currently Friday mornings) and developing children's understanding of the world around them through a range of activities throughout the year. 

The time in class is divided between 2 rooms and an outdoor area. In the Creative Room children can explore paint and play dough as well as experiment with junk modelling and develop their fine motor skills with scissors and craft resources. We will also have a weekly sensory tray (so we might come home a little messy on occasions!) Children can also develop their awareness of different types of technology through exploring the sensory shelves. Our main classroom provides opportunities for role play, construction, reading, writing and maths as well as other resources to develop their fine motor skills. We are very lucky to also have an enclosed outdoor area where we can develop our gross motor skills and coordination. We can also explore the world in our Nature Hub and role play in our Job Shed.

The Reception staff will greet the children in the bottom yard each morning and dismiss them each afternoon. Our school day starts at 8:45 and finishes at 3:05. 

My Special World

Your child will be provided with their 'My Special World' book. They will take these home every week - we will send them home with children on a Friday and they should be returned to school on a Monday.  We would love it if you and your child could work together to add to the book to share things that you've done at home. This can be in the form of writing, comments or pictures or even include things that you find and collect on trips out. Children will share these with us in school. 


Your child will also be given a maths or phonics homework task as we head further into the year but reading is fundamental and is crucial in early years development. 


Once children have started to progress through ReadWriteInc, they will be given a reading book to bring home - these books are linked to the letters and sounds they will be learning at school through our phonics program. We ask that parents/carers listen to their children read at least 3 times each week. 

We will be running a Parent ReadWriteInc workshop in the Autumn term - details will be provided in the first few weeks.


Each week your child will visit the school library to choose a book to share with you at home. This book must be returned the following week for your child to select a new one. Later on in the year we will also access Gateshead Central library. 


Your child will take part in PE lessons every Friday. We would like children to come to school wearing their PE kit - children should wear leggings/tracksuit bottoms and their PE t-shirt and hoody which are provided by school. 

PE days may change later in the year. 

Stay and Play

Throughout the year we will be inviting parents and carers to Stay and Play sessions to come into school with their child and enjoy the EYFS environment with them, playing and exploring. We will keep you up to date with these as we work throughout the year.