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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Hello and welcome to the Year 4 class page! Our Year 4 teaching team includes Mrs Hannon and  Miss Little.  Mr Rodger will teach the class on a Monday morning, while Mrs Hannon is out of class. 

In Year 4, we aim to create exciting and challenging learning opportunities that enable every child to flourish academically, socially and emotionally. Providing children with the skills they need to learn, develop and have fun, both inside and outside of school, is extremely important to us. 


Our set PE days are a Tuesday and Thursday. On these days, children are required to come to school wearing their PE kit. Children will be provided with a red, school PE top and hoodie to wear with tracksuit bottoms/leggings and footwear (trainers/sandshoes). Children can wear their Caedmon hoodie in place of a school jumper if they wish.


In Spring term, Year 4 will start  swimming lessons on a Thursday afternoon (as part of their PE curriculum). On this day children are to come to school in their uniform and bring a swimming kit to change into. Please remember no jewellery is allowed. 

Home Learning

Reading is an extremely important part of your child's learning. To support this, children are expected to read for around 15 minutes per day during the week and will always have a school reading book, which is linked to their Accelerated Reader ZPD. A reading diary will be supplied to share information about progress between school and home. Please check, sign and comment frequently.

Times Tables

At the end of the year, there is a statutory Multiplication Tables Check (MTC). Learning our times tables, both in school and at home, will be a priority for us in Year 4. Times Tables Rock Stars is a brilliant tool to support this, especially the soundcheck feature (which mirrors the MTC).


If there is anything you wish to talk about, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Mrs Hannon will always be available on the yard or by telephone. Mrs Hannon will have access to her Class Dojo messages between the hours of 8am and 4pm on weekdays.