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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3 

About us

Welcome to the Year 3 page! My name is Miss Mallaburn and I am the class teacher. The year 3 teaching team is myself and Mrs Eden who support the class during the week. Mr Rodger teaches the class on a Tuesday during my non-contact time.

In Year 3, we aim to create exciting, reflective and stimulating learning opportunities, that enables every child to learn. We hope to equip your child with the necessary skills to succeed both inside and outside of school through balancing the usage of new technology with older, more traditional methods. 


Reading at home has a huge impact on reading progress and English development across the whole curriculum. I would like to encourage your child to read each night and be grateful if you could sign their reading journals wherever possible.

As children make the step into key stage two, they will use our Accelerated Reader scheme. This involves children completing a quiz once they finish a book. The result of the quiz will determine their progress in accessing higher ranges of texts. Children will have the opportunity to select their own book from their current reading range. Ensuring children gain an understanding in what they are reading reaps benefits as they progress through school. 


Our PE sessions will take place on a Monday and Thursday afternoon. Children will need to come to school wearing their PE tshirt (which will be sent home), shorts/leggings/jogging bottoms and a suitable pair of trainers.


In Year 3 we are keen to celebrate and share your child's successes and achievements outside of school. Therefore it would be great if you could send in any evidence, certificates and photos, which your child collects throughout the year. 

Termly Overview