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Home Learning

This page is being retained to show how home learning was supported during the COVID19 lockdown in summer 2020.

Please see class pages for home learning from September 2020 onwards.

Hello everyone, 

We hope you are all safe and well. Whilst school has been closed, we have been thinking and working hard to make sure we can support you as parents/carers to facilitate home learning. 

We wanted to give you a tool that you can use at your convenience with ease. With that in mind, the website at the end of the post has been created so that all of the resources we recommend and any tasks set can be easily found in one place, across a range of devices.  

We believe that the website will allow parents and teachers to work as co-educators and guide our children through this difficult time. We want to try and remove as many barriers as possible and provide our children with an alternative, but broad curriculum, even if they aren't in the school building. 

Every Thursday, each class page will add their home learning grid to the year group page. In addition, the website will be regularly updated and we will try to cater for as many requests as possible. If you have any suggestions please send them our way.  

Mr Wynn has kindly provided a clear guide to help you navigate the website that can be found on our school Facebook Page.  If you have any additional questions, send them our way. 

To access the website, click the link below. Please share the website with parents, carers and friend of Caedmon.