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Computing & ICT

Subject Leader: Mr Rodger

Subject Role

The National Curriculum (2014) sees Computing as a way of using computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. At the core of computing is computing science, in which children are taught the principles of information and computation, how systems work and how to use this through programming. Computing has deep links to maths, science, and design and technology providing an insight into how the digital world works and for places of future work.  

Computing at Caedmon

At Caedmon we provide children with the opportunity to design, make and evaluate a variety of products. To do this, Computing has been split into three key strands; Digital Literacy, Computing Science and Information Technology. Children will build on knowledge learned throughout each year group, developing life long skills for the future. 


Please find the planning overview for each year group. If you have any questions about what is being taught, do not hesitate to contact your childs class teacher.